“Bright Trails and Wisdom” Minute Musings Anthology

The Privilege of Age Series

Turning 65 was a milestone that inspired me to write a series of poems I call The Privilege of Age.” These contemplative poems delve into the wisdom and experiences that come with aging.

Like many of us, I’ve lost cherished friends and family who didn’t make it this far, and this series is also a tribute to them.

Why I Wrote Bright Trails

Bright Trails” was inspired by the vibrant and adventurous spirit that remains untamed even in our golden years. It celebrates the courage and audacity that continue to shape our lives as we age.

The Story Behind Wisdom

“Wisdom” delves into the deep knowledge and stories held by those who have lived long and seen much. It reflects on the quiet strength and wisdom that come with age– passed down through generations.

Like so many of us who have gone without telling their stories, I wanted to remind myself and others to share our stories.

Shout Out!

Special thanks to Editor Maddie McGivney and Bards President James P. Wagner (Ishwa) at Local Gems Press for their support and for choosing my poems for publication in “Minute Musings Anthology.

Be Brave and Blaze Your Own Trails

I encourage everyone to be brave, blaze your own trails, and share your wisdom. We all have unique stories that are worth telling and hearing. Your experiences and insights can inspire others and make a difference. So, go ahead, take that leap, and share your story with the world.

Where to Find Minute Musings