“Mom, Me, and Brian Wilson” Thriving: An Anthology
A Collection Celebrating Resilience, Love, and the Human Spirit 

Thriving is an anthology that sings of resilience, showcasing stories of perseverance and triumph over adversity. It’s a celebration of the human spirit, love, and the myriad ways we find strength in challenging times.

Special Thanks to our Editor!

Guiding us through this ensemble of voices is Rhonda Rosenheck, a poet and editor whose vision has shaped Thriving into a sanctuary of inspiring tales. Rhonda’s poetic touch ensures each story harmonizes within the overarching theme of human resilience.

Dandelions: Symbol of Resilience

I had the privilege of illustrating the anthology’s cover. The artwork, a collage created with watercolor, colored pencils, and ink–reflects the resilience and beauty of the human condition, symbolized by a dandelion.

Dandelions have been my favorite flower since childhood, and they frequently appear in my children’s books.

Inspiration Behind “Mom, Me, and Brian Wilson” 🎵

Mom, Me, and Brian Wilson” is a based on a true story about the last time my late husband and his daughter were together before he passed away due to complications from dementia. Below is a picture of the two of them. This story is dedicated to their memory and the joy that music, especially the Beach Boys, brought to our lives.

A Unique Note: The Power of Music 🎵

My story underscores how music can bridge gaps created by dementia and disability, evoking shared memories and bringing joy even in challenging circumstances.

Discover the Symphony of Resilience 🎶

I invite you to immerse yourself in Thriving, where my story is part of a grand composition of resilience. This anthology, under Rhonda Rosenheck’s skilled baton, promises to be a beacon of strength and adaptability..


Thank you all for your support. I can’t wait for you to read “Mom, Me, and Brian Wilson” and the other stories in “Thriving.”

And here is one of the songs mentioned in the story: