Anne Catharine Blake

author / illustrator

Celebrating Maud: A Tribute to L.M. Montgomery

The Writing Journey of L.M. Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery’s career was as remarkable as the characters she brought to life. Born in 1874 in Clifton, Prince Edward Island, Maud grew up in Cavendish under the care of her grandparents after her mother’s death and her father’s remarriage. This early loss and her deep connection to PEI’s natural beauty became foundational to her storytelling.

Montgomery began publishing short stories and poems as a teenager, contributing to magazines and newspapers in Canada and abroad. Her breakout novel, Anne of Green Gables, was published in 1908 by L.C. Page & Co. The book’s success was immediate and global, catapulting her into literary fame.

Over her career, Maud published 19 novels, including the Anne and Emily series, and numerous short stories and poems. Her works captured readers’ imaginations with themes of resilience, belonging, and the transformative power of nature.

Yet, her journey was not without its struggles. As a woman writer in the early 20th century, Maud navigated a male-dominated publishing industry, facing challenges over rights and royalties. Despite these obstacles, her creative spirit never wavered. Her enduring legacy is a tribute to the power of storytelling and the resilience of the human spirit.


A Creative Tribute to Maud

Celebrating Maud is more than a collection of poetry—it’s a deeply personal homage to the woman who inspired me and countless others. Delving into Maud’s world through her photographs and personal papers at the University of Guelph, I sought to create a book that reflects her life and passions.

Maud’s love for cats shines through her photographs, and I honored that by incorporating cat illustrations into each chapter. She also adored flowers, so I painted some of her favorite blooms to bring her spirit to the book’s design.


It is my hope that these poems celebrate not only Maud’s remarkable work but also her enduring spirit—her deep connection to nature, her courage as a writer, and her boundless imagination.


Where to Buy

Celebrating Maud: A Tribute to L.M. Montgomery is available wherever books are sold.


Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project, from my early drafts to the final product. I hope this book brings you as much joy and inspiration as Maud has brought to my life.






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