“Empathy: A Double-Edge Sword, Facing my Nemesis: Displace Loyalty” Nemesis Anthology

Navigating the Dual Edges of My Nemesis: A Journey Through Poetry

In the anthology Nemesis, a diverse array of poets delves into the theme of hope through the prism of personal struggle and adversities.

My contributions to this collection explore the nuanced realms of empathy and loyalty, seeking to unveil the dual nature of these attributes—as sources of strength and potential points of inner conflict.

Empathy as a Nemesis

“Empathy—a Double-Edged Sword” captures the delicate balance between feeling for others and protecting oneself.

Displaced Loyalty as a Nemesis

“Facing My Nemesis—Displaced Loyalty” examines the complexities of loyalty when it becomes misaligned.


Engaging with Nemesis allowed me to navigate the intricate dance between being empathetic and remaining true to myself, and between being loyal and being free.

Dive into the pages of Nemesis and discover the myriad ways we all grapple with our personal adversaries. As you journey through the poems, I invite you to reflect on your own nemesis. What dualities do you wrestle with? How do they shape your path and perceptions?


Published by Poets Choice, under the guidance of Akshay Sonthalia, Nemesis offers a compelling exploration of the human condition.