“Packing List for Staring Over” South Carolina Bards, 2022 Anthology

I am pleased to announce that I will be reading some of my work at the South Carolina Bard 2022 Book Launch this weekend. If you are in the area, I invite you to join us and meet a talented group of South Carolina poets.

During the event, I will be sharing my poem, “Packing List for Starting Over,” which is included in the anthology. This poem is particularly meaningful to me, as it was written during a time of significant change in my life.

Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Cambria Hotel Charleston, Mount Pleasant, SC


Cambria Hotel Charleston, Mount Pleasant, SC


The poem Packing List for Starting Over was born out of a time of profound change. After my husband’s long illness and passing, I had to sell our home. Then, the school where I had taught for many years closed its doors.


Suddenly, I found myself at a crossroads, facing the daunting task of beginning anew. This poem encapsulates that journey—one marked by loss, resilience, and the quiet courage to start over.


I look forward to seeing you there.