“The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline” Zinging Success, Comforting Failure Anthology

Behind the Recipe: The Story of “The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline” in Zinging Success, Comforting Failure

I am thrilled to announce that my piece, “The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline,” is included in the international anthology Zinging Success, Comforting Failure, published by Poets Choice and Free Spirit and edited by Sameer Farooqi. This anthology spans multiple countries, exploring the often stigmatized concepts of success and failure.

The Conceptual Core of “The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline”

Caroline’s story highlights the tension between her ability to cook for herself and the pushback she faces from others who don’t understand her health condition. While she knows how to manage her own dietary needs, the real challenge comes from those who don’t share or understand her condition and often judge her based on their own standards.

For Caroline, success isn’t about meeting their expectations but about finding someone who truly understands her situation and respects her choices. The narrative explores how her struggles in the kitchen are more about others’ failure to empathize than her actual abilities.

The Creative Process

The story took shape over multiple drafts, with each revision refining the ingredients of love, struggle, and self-acceptance that make Caroline’s journey relatable.


Breaking Taboos

The anthology takes a bold stance against the detrimental effects of the words “success” and “failure.” Caroline’s story adds to this conversation, offering readers a fresh perspective on how we internalize these terms and how they impact our relationships and self-worth.

Thank you for diving into the creation of “The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline” with me. I hope the story serves as both entertainment and food for thought.